Research Projects

Research Projects

International Projects


Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS

Link :

Period : 2021-2025

Type : H2020

Coordinator : Xavier Querol (CSIC), Tuukka Petäjä (UHEL)

French labs implied : IMT NE, LSCE, INERIS, LISA, CEREA, IPSL

ACMCC role : Task Leader 1.2 & 4.1 : NRT source apportionment

CAMS 21a

Near-Real-Time provision of aerosol and reactive, species from ACTRIS and EMEP observation

Period : 2022 – 2028

Type : H2020

Coordinator : Sabine Philippin (CNRS), Cathrine Lund Myhre (NILU)

French labs implied : CNRS, University of Lille, INERIS, IMT NE

ACMCC role : Task Leader in WP1: Automated data transfer of ACSM validated products (Quad and ToF)


Sustainable Access to Atmospheric Research Facilities

Link :

Period : 2021 – 2025

Type : H2020

Coordinator : Sabine Philippin (CNRS)

French labs implied : CNRS, IMT

ACMCC role : Access provider for physical, virtual and remote access services through periodic calls.

National Projects


Système d’observation intégré de l’atmosphère (Integrated atmospheric observation system)

Link :

Period : 2022 – 2028

Type : ANR PIA

Coordinator : Sabine Philippin (CNRS)

ACMCC role : Evaluation of the High Resolution capabilities of the ACSM-X
