Thanks for the intercomparison 2024 !

Today marks the last day of our interlaboratory comparison, which has spanned the entire month, starting from the first week of instrument installation and concluding this week with post-comparison assessments of all instruments in ambient air.

During this time, we conducted calibrations of all instruments and organized workshops for participants, including hands-on training sessions and data processing workshops.

We had the pleasure of welcoming Aerospec this year for the first time, to evaluate their new instrument, "AIR", which measures the chemical composition of fine particles, including the molecular components of the organic fraction.

We would like to extend our gratitude to our historical partners, Aerodyne Research and Addair, for their invaluable support and assistance in ensuring the functionality of ACSMs.

Finally, we sincerely thank all participants for their presence on-site, as well as for the fruitful discussions and exchanges throughout the event.

The ACMCC Team.

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