The Aerosol Chemical Monitor Calibration Centre (ACMCC) is one of the six CAIS-ECAC Units.
ACTRIS is the fundamental European Research Infrastructure for short-lived atmospheric constituents increasing the excellence in Earth system observation and research and providing information and knowledge for developing sustainable solutions to societal needs.
Its primary goal is to produce high-quality integrated datasets in the area of atmospheric sciences and provide services, including access to instrumented platforms, tailored for scientific and technological usage.
ACTRIS includes 8 Central Facilities: 6 Topical Centres, the Data Centre and the Head Office. A “Central Facility” means a European level ACTRIS component that offers ACTRIS data or research services and other services to users as well as operation support to National Facilities.
Each of the Central Facility consists of several units hosted by responsible ACTRIS research performing organisations as committed by the ACTRIS member or permanent observer countries.

CAIS-ECAC is the ACTRIS Topical Centre focusing on Aerosol In-Situ measurements : it represents the European Centre for Aerosol Calibration and Characterization. Its mission is to offer operational support for quality-assured and controlled physical and chemical aerosol in situ measurements and sampling, to conduct traceable instrument calibration, and to perform laboratory analysis of aerosol samples. Furthermore, CAIS-ECAC develops and offers Near-Real-Time tolls for fast data submission and central quality control (source : CAIS-ECAC website).

ACMCC belongs also to ACTRIS France, in the context of SI SIRTA and SNO CLAP.